Monday, March 20 at 7 PM
That’s right, extraterrestrial hyper-typhonian arachnid void dwellers of MERLOCK are scheduled for a crash landing in downtown Moscow on March 20 at the Kenworthy Backstage Speakeasy. Their goal? To refuel their riffchugging transphoton generators and to supply a heavy load of hard shredding Stoner Doom warpfire!! Raising celestine vibrations in honor of the incoming illithid invasion is the Drone Doom stylings of WALLOWER, from deep within the darkest caves of the Selkirk range. Preparing the local homo-fauna for the impending sonicboom will be Local masters of lead-footed metal, EARTHWORKS, delivering another payload of homegrown Stoner Doom.
Limited standing room. Turn up on time or get your tickets online! Huge thanks to the Kenworthy for hosting. Respect the space.
Ages 21 and over. Backstage Speakeasy entrance is in the back alley of Kenworthy Theatre.
Tickets: $10